
Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Class Evaluation

Class Evaluation

1. One of the things that I liked about this class was about learning the basics of coding and also the types of coding studios we can use to make something ourselves.

2. I don't have anything to complain about in this class or I don't dislike anything about it

3. The one thing that can improve in this class is the use of the ctr card check it really lacked use this year.

4. Everything in this class was equally educational and fun at the same time so I don't have a preferred part of this class.

5. I didn't use my time to make a Scratch project or anything else but during the lessons I realized that I was able to do what I really wanted to do despite the mistakes I made I did the best I could during those lessons and ended up finishing it.

6. No I haven't been reading it daily I seem to forget about it but when you remind me about it I already have some goals in mind but can't seem to find the courage of writing them down.

7. Being committed to be a CTR person is one of the best decisions anyone can make I'm not sure if I really can commit to that until I use and execute those rules in my daily life little by little.  

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